It's easy to take someone or something for granted. I'll tell him how behind I am with this assignment tomorrow. I'll tell her how I really feel, tomorrow. I'll do better tomorrow. How many times have we seen ourselves hold on to our thoughts and feelings because we were afraid to act or say something in the present. When should we decide to take full responsibility for our actions? When others aren't reacting anymore? When we're confronted? And even then, some of us tend to shy away from confrontation, we run, we hide we don't want it in our face. We call in sick and don't show up to work for days.
A few things has happened to a friend lately to make me wonder how authentic he is.
\"chicken Rice\"
The first incident involved his laptop. The last time it crashed on him, he was upset that he lost everything but he had some files backed up, so was able to recoop most of it and continue working on his assignment. The second time it crashed was very recently, and it was his fault. Chicken Rice Soup (the one I made for him) from an open container seeped through his computer, and its monitor, and his computer was ruined, so he was now late for the assignment. He told his boss that he had computer problems and the assignment would be submitted in a few days.
The second situation involved his boss who was expecting the assignment on time, after having extended the date several times already. The boss was able to communicate his frustration and lack of trust and gave him his last warning. My friend knew what was going to happen from the moment he stepped into his boss' office and he avoided confrontation and lied because he was afraid to lose his job, again. He told him the assignment would be on his desk in the morning. He didn't show up to work for the next few days.
You see this had happened a few months ago, too. I knew that something was wrong but he told me that everything was ok including at work. By that time he hadn't been at work for weeks and I only found out after he started the new job. So, even with me, he lied and made a joke of the situation.
As a youngster, my friend was never held fully responsible for his actions. His parents didn't keep him accountable when his chores weren't done or responsible for his pet, which he wanted so badly. When he did get 'reprimanded' he found it painful and he started to avoid it. He never liked being told that he was untrustworthy and never fully understood that his actions had consequences.
My friend did lose his job again. He kept avoiding the situation until it caught up to him. He's now learned that he has to be honest with himself and the people he has in his life. He's taking full responsibility for his actions in the present moment, facing the consequences and taking small steps every day to assure that he fully makes the required changes to make it work.
Take full responsibility to back up your hard work, everyday. You can only be responsible for yourself, your thoughts, your actions, and your feelings. By being conscientiousness you can acknowledge mistakes, or poor sense of judgment and correct it quickly.
Avoiding It Only Makes Things Worse
Linda Robert's life purpose is to live passionately and to inspire individuals to strive for growth, well-being and openness. She loves writing articles and offering seminars that will inspire anyone to live the life they so deserve. Her vision is to offer individuals hope to live a fulfilled and healthy lifestyle, full of passion and authenticity. She can be reached at Her websites are [].